the art of yoga

You’re artistic side is here to shine.

Welcome! In this video, I will introduce the concept of this practice to you and explain how to can support us to grow in our yoga practice and our creative expression.

This approach will give you the best results.

Concepts we cover:
~ ahimsa (non-violence)
~ tapas (self-discipline)
~ sadhana (practice, ritual)

Your practices…

🎶Click here 🎶 for your playlist for the “1 hour practice”.

Some extra resources for you to explore the art of yoga and your artistic expression more deeply…

Click here for a meditation & embodiment ceremony to cultivate love, purpose & creativity.
Click here for a video from YouTuber, HINDZ, on cultivating creativity.
Click here for the “tempura a drone” to harmonize along with.

A little bonus invitation

After practicing each day, you may wish to reflect on or journal about these questions…

  1. What feels most alive for me right now?

  2. What creative endeavour will I explore today?

  3. What wants to be shared from my heart? And how does it want to be shared? (Bonus points if you do it 😉)

Thank you so much for exploring the art of yoga with me.

As you begin to integrate a movement and sound practice into your daily routine, notice what forms of artistry and expression want to flirt with you. I wish you the best as you to explore your body, your mind, your senses, your heart… and I am so excited to see what’s birthed from this creative place from within ♡

This technique is a key component of the curriculum in our upcoming 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Upon graduation, participants not only acquire the skills to adeptly lead their first yoga class, but also experience a deepened connection to their creative expression.

For more information on how to join, click on the button below.

“Everything is magical when you see it with your heart.”
~ Mooji